
We charge 18% of net nightly rate + VAT, which we believe offers terrific value. (e.g. on monthly net revenue of £4000, our charge would be £720).
We're committed to being a living wage employer, and a proportion of our annual profit goes to a local Fife charity (this year it'll be Fife Gingerbread).

Premium Service

Our 18% fee is for our full management service - listings, guest management & cleaning.
We have some variables we can't include in a flat rate - such as product re-stocks and the amount of linen, which ultimately depend on the size of the property and particular products you like, so we can have a chat over your preferences when you get in touch.

A la carte

If you don't require our full service (perhaps you just want us to handle the listings or the cleaning) - we offer some of our services individually - just get in touch for a chat.

Here’s what’s included in our premium service:

Listing Creation

Pricing Optimisation


Guest Screening

Full Communication

24 Hour Check-ins

24 Hour Maintenance Support

Professional Photography

Guest Experience

Laundry & Linen (property dependent additional cost)

Stocking Up Consumables (property dependent additional cost)

We also offer the following services as individually priced options, should you not require our full premium service:

Listing Creation

Cleaning + Laundry & Linen

Full Communication

24 Hour Check-ins

Stocking Up Consumables

Professional Photography